
So I got a fun new toy for my birthday recently. A Canon A630! I still have to tinker with it and learn to use it more effectively. And figure out how to lower the resolution cause the photos are HUGE.
Sorry if that bogged everybody down.
We have had two wonderful days of rain so far and the weeds are quickly gaining ground in the garden. Tonight I have to get out there and put down newspaper and straw in the tomato/pepper/eggplant area. Everything is coming up nicely, but the entire snap pea crop was lost to the groundhog(s) that live under the chicken shed. Seems we had an agreement these last few years, but this year somebody apparently feels entitled. They haven't touched anything else though. Yet. I have a few days off coming up and it might be the perfect time to discuss relocating with this varmint family.

Spring is almost past us and it seemed to speed by very fast this year. The farmer planted the field behind us in corn this spring and every day I look out from the second floor to see that it has grown a little more. Sneakily covering a little more dirt. It is like a giant hour glass ticking down the days of warm weather and freaks me out a little bit, a big huge reminder of the passing of time. Barley does not have this effect on me. Nor do soybeans.
The pics loaded surprisingly fast (even on dialup). Did Photoshop Elements come with your camera? If it did, when you open up a photo, you can "save for web" which compresses them in a way that they load really fast.
Your grandfathers peonies are gorgeous!
You really don't like winter, do you? ;)
Lovely flowers, and enjoy that new camera!!
Maybe it's because barley and soybeans don't have any sayings associated with them? "Knee high by the fourth of July" is such a memorable benchmark for corn that I think of where it's at on the size scale long after that holiday is past, even.
Your grandfather's peonies are beautiful... you're very lucky to have something like that from him.
I almost forgot to say that I "borrowed" your hosta picture for my desktop wallpaper of the week! I hope you don't mind... it shows such great texture and fresh shades of green that it makes me happy to see it on the computer.
Yeah, two great days of rain -- but did they have to come on my birthday weekend? :o(
Congrats on your new toy, too!
Those peonies are lovely, and what a great hosta photo!
I have an old A620 which I love but wanted to buy a A630 as a backup and because it's selling for such a reasonable price now. Let us know how you like the camera.
I believe Blogger reduces the size of the picture automatically for faster loading. I found out that reducing the size of the photo (resizing)makes the upload much, much faster though. Since the resolution on Blogger is not that great anyway I recently have just used 800x640 pixels which fills quite a bit of a screen when you click on a photo to enlarge. I save it at about 80% quality to reduce the file size. I shoot at the best quality the camera can take even if it means large file sizes in case I want to print some of the pictures.
the peony is beautiful. have fun with the new camera!
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