Monday, April 30, 2007

I was so close

So, those of you that grow asparagus know that it takes three years from planting to harvesting. Three long years to wait before you can eat your very own homegrown asparagus. When we moved here, there were 10 plants from a previous owner. I enjoyed asaparagus out first spring. But it didn't seem to be enough. So the next year I planted 25 more plants. Woo Hoo! Tons of asparagus! I just had to wait three whole years. So on Saturday, I was walking through the garden in the morning with my neice. We picked a few spears, leaving many in plance that were less than 6 inches tall. Then we rounded up the other niece and we spent the day at the King of Prussia Mall for the younger one's birthday. Shopping (thank god only twice a year!) and lunch and just a fun girl's day. Then we came home. And the tiller was in the driveway. And the husband proudly announced that he had tilled the garden. My face fell. Everything moved in slow motion. I dropped my bags and ran towards the garden. Only the 10 original plants were left. The 25 other plants that I put in were completely tilled under. Along with 25 Sparkle strawberries that had miraculously survived the winter. But that one was my fault. i jinxed myself the other day saying that this was the first year that he hadn't tilled up/burned/or otherwise destroyed the garden. I didn't cry. I just got very quiet and sad and I know he felt terrible. But seriously. How do you not see 25 asparagus plants in rows where at least half of them had asparagus stalks poking up through the soil? What weed does that look like? None. So I will go and buy more plants and three more years and probably be thwarted again.


Blogger MilkMaid said...

OH NO...that sucks! MilkMan doesn't til unless I'm standing there to boss him around. And this is why. They have mowed down more of my stuff than the weeds that needed it over the years.

7:17 PM  
Blogger frugalmom said...

Oh No. I am so sorry to hear that. He must have felt terrible...just like you when you realized that you had to start all anew. Good luck to you.

9:49 PM  
Blogger El said...


And I thought the frostkill here was bad!

You poor poor poor poor thing.

Ixnay on the illertay for the hubby, okay? (What is it with men and their gas-fired plant-killers? Tom wiped out my two pawpaw TREES (yes 2.5' tall) saying he couldn't make the turn on the tractor. And I had even MOWED around them for him. He eventually made it up to me (by letting me buy more plants, of course).

11:27 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

Damn, that sucks.

Is there any chance they've survived? 'cause I know asparagus goes way deep... maybe deeper than he tilled?

I'm so glad we have no power machines.

6:23 PM  
Blogger meresy_g said...

I suppose there is a chance they survived. We'll see. I bought 25 more crowns yesterday and 25 more strawberries just in case. He burned the piles yesterday, which were near my berry bushes. Thank God that didn't turn out like it usually does....with scorched berry bushes. El, Oh my. Paw Paws? They are slow growing aren't they? At least you got new ones. I didn't order anything from the conservation district this year like I usually do cause the trees and shrubs are so small he just mows over them. Like a circle of dirt with a twig in it and mulch around it is somehow invisible. Out of 10 serviceberries from last year, I have one left. Liz, I think with a mule-powered tilling fork he would still get my strawberries.

9:42 AM  
Blogger Kati said...

omg! "deliver us from men with machines...". My ex complained bitterly each time I made a new flower bed that I was shrinking the size of the lawn that he could mow.And oh yes, the tree he killed with the strimmer...But I'm not being fair if I don't admit to a pile of plant-corpses that were my fault as well, ie over-eagerness in spring to plant out tender annuals, houseplants moved outdoors too early to bring colour out to the deck, seedlings not hardened off carefully enough...the dreadful list goes on and on!

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, that's heartbreak! Poor you. Poor him. Poor Asparagus.

9:17 AM  
Blogger Molly said...

I'm married to your husband's twin brother. Only he uses a 15 HP brush cutter to mow everything down. Raspberries, nishiki willow, blueberries, you name it.

8:26 PM  
Blogger cyndy said...

I actually gasped out loud as I read your post.

When you start digging around, you should be able to see if the crowns were damaged. If your plants were at least 3 years old, you have a good chance that they survived the tiller (keeping my fingers crossed for you!)

You might have to get out the "crime tape" and surround the area so he stays out!! I'm sure his intentions were good, but, OH MY!

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh nooooo!!! I bet he felt so darn bad about it. Before we did raised beds the neighbor came over and tilled our garden...tilled my flowers right under.
My asparagus doesn't seem to be coming up this's third year. Weird...guess I'll have to start all over again. =(

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch. I sympathize. My husband has been forbidden to run any machine with the potential for destruction unless I am present and directing. He doesn't know the difference between an expensive bush and a weed. Barriers did not deter him.

12:06 PM  

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