Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This time last year

This time last year I was in Munich, Germany with a friend from work. She had tickets to see Bon Jovi in Munich and was supposed to go with her husband but he decided he didn't want to make the trip. She asked me if I'd like to go. I hesitated and said "well, ok". I'd never been on a plane before, not really a big Bon Jovi fan, and had never been out of the country before. So, I packed my stuff and got some high-test anxiety meds from my doctor (which totally worked....only a slight melt down at JFK where I briefly considered ditching my suitcase and running) and I was on my way. I actually liked flying. I'm not sure why I had been avoiding it all these years. Anyway, we had fun, Munich was awesome, Bon Jovi was fun. We visited two castles, a beautiful lake town, and Salzburg, Austria with her friends we were staying with. I took tons of pictures of statues which seemed to be everywhere. I really like some of them.  I need some statuary for my garden I think.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Vow to be better

I take a three year break, post once and then disappear for almost four more months.  I am vowing to be more consistent.  Making that vow to myself anyway.  I love looking back over my old posts and seeing what I was thinking, what I was enjoying, things I was experiencing for the first time.  And all the photos!  Pets that are no longer with me, bumper crops from the garden, things I somehow did really well in the flowerbeds....and things that didn't turn out so well.  Anyway, I'm really into gardening again this summer....both flowers and vegetables, so I hope to be taking lots of pictures and documenting! 

Ike (aka squirmy) coonhound puppy child.