One Local Summer: Week 7

We had thunderstorms all day yesterday and most of the evening, dropping the temperature roughly 20 degrees, making this meal possible. No way I'm boiling pasta when it's so hot I'm sweating in the house.
So I only make this a few times a year, because it isn't exactly healthy. But oh my is it good. My sheepnose pimientoes (those little red pepper looking things) are coming in pretty fast now, along with another kind of pimiento (the short, oblong to the left), and I think some Relleno chiles which are very sweet and mild. I combine these with a Pennsylvania Simply Sweet Onion (grown in PA but I don't know where), my garlic, my basil, and cook down until soft. Then it gets pureed and added to......cream (from Shady Acres in Etown). Served over pasta (not local ingred., but made and distributed by New World Pasta in Harrisburg, PA). And the freshly grated, aged Parmesan wasn't local either, but there just isn't a decent source. The Naughty Marietta red wine was local though, with the vineyard less than 5 miles from me.
Very, very, very good.
Special thanks to a former co-worker of mine whose wife is Italian and supplied me with some splendid recipes for ripe, red peppers several years ago. This is easily one of my favorite summer meals, and it just doesn't taste right the rest of the year.