Local Meal 7? I'm losing track.
Blackberries - Mine
Casserole-Squash (from farmer up the road where I buy my corn), Mucho Nacho peppers and some other kind of mildly hot bell shaped pepper (mine), onion (Roots market a couple Tuesdays ago), hominy (some town in Virginia that begins with an L. Over 100 miles. There is a brand of hominy made in Baltimore, but my store doesn't carry it.), Cheddar Cheese (Adams Reserve, NY state, also not technically local, but not too far), sour cream (Shady Acres in Etown), and topped with Tortilla chips that are not local, but I had them and they were sorta stale.
Tasted good. A little spicy, but not too much. SOme of the peppers I grow I leave on the plant too long or something and they could peel paint. This was just right spicy. And I love anything with hominy in it. Hominy is one of my all time favorite things. Sauteed in a little butter with a ton of black pepper and some salt is total comfort food to me. Try it sometime if you've never had it.
One time the s.o. took over the kitchen and made a really wonderful batch of posole. Ever since then, I've been all about hominy. Glad to see I am not alone in that!
Hmmm....I think everything sounds good until the dehorning and castrating. But I could probably do it. I would like to get goats next spring if I can talk the husband into it. He has been pleasantly suprised by the chickens, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I have a large lawn area and a wooded area that I could fence in, giving approximately 100x300. So you think girl goats are best? This is a stupid question...how do you get your goats to the breeder? You must have a truck. And finally, do you use goat milk to make anything? Or are the goats just for fun and brush control?
Oh man, you're gonna get goats?! I'll be *so* jealous if you beat me to it! But you will, because I probably won't get any critters until '08. We want to build a barn structure first (I know they don't need it, but I have no where to store hay, etc), and then put in a solid perimeter fence. Then, I'm thinking a couple of Nigerians Dwarves (I think that's what Shannon has) and maybe a sheep or two. And a guard/work donkey. Oh boy, do I have plans or what? ;)
You can definitely milk Nigerians, and I think she is, but is trading up for a larger animal that makes more milk. If you don't want to deal with milking, get a wether (castrated male)... or just don't breed your girl goats.
All I can add to this conversation is that I had the privilege to milk a Nigerian Dwarf goat last summer. They are sweet little goats & compact, too. What holds me back from adding chickens, goats, llamas are my woods--all those trees are in the way and it's probably a good thing in the end. My beehives, dogs & cat will have to content me instead. As for Local Meal 7?--it looks delicious to me!
The goats are a big 'maybe' right now, so don't get jealous yet. It would be a lot more prep than for chickens. I don't have any place for hay either. There is a tiny little shed structure up at the end of the property where I would keep goats, but if I put hay in there, there would be no room for goats. So have to work on that. I'm not sure about fencing either. I wonder how the portable electric fencing would work with goats. And I'm not sure I want to milk. I have all these visions of making fabulous cheeses and stuff, but in reality I barely have time to keep my house clean. So it might be a few years before this happens. I would love to have a donkey. They are so cute, but totally not enough room for a donkey. Have you seen mini-cows though. Google it. My friend's friend raises them and they are so damn cute, and small. Imagine a dairy cow that comes to your knee. Hehee.
Thanks for a great readd
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