Monday, July 17, 2006

Local Meal 3

Hmmmm......I really intend to make these really great meals using as many local ingredients as possible. But the past few days it has been really, really hot and humid and remember we don't have air conditioning. I usually work outside until dark, because there just doesn't seem to be time to do it all. So this was the meal on Saturday night. It was 9:00, I was hot and sweaty and totally not feeling like cooking. I threw the beets in the oven earlier, so they were cooled and all I had to do was slice things.

Fruit Salad: Bluberries, peaches, and yellow plums purchased and grown at Masonic Homes Orchards (4.5 miles). Melon was purchased there also, but was labeled as hailing from the Eastern Shore. If they mean southern Delware, I'm good. Eastern Shore of Maryland....not so much, probably more than a hundred miles. Virginia, totally too far, more like 240 miles

Warm Beet Salad: Beets (mine) tossed in olive oil and balsamic and roasted, then mixed with dill (mine), salt and pepper, and crumbled bleu cheese (not local).


Blogger Liz said...

Better late than never. :)

I'm amazed that you even had your wits about you to roast the beets. What did that do to the heat level in your house?

I'm ashamed to say that there are still a handful of last years beets in the fridge, but they are the biggest ones, so I'm intimidated. ;)

2:26 PM  
Blogger meresy_g said...

It was hot. But I was outside. Run in, throw some beets in the oven. Run in again and turn them off and leave in oven. I also have two large beets from the grocery store in the fridge. From about February I believe. The greens have totally dried out and have flaked all over the bottom of the fridge. My husband keeps asking me when I'm going to throw them out. I just can't.

4:09 PM  
Blogger Liz said...

James boiled one of the monsters up last night and grated it for beet muffins. Three more left, I think.

9:12 AM  

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