Monday, February 06, 2006

Goodbye Governor Rendell

Well, the Pittsburgh Steelers won the Superbowl. Yay Steelers! Thanks for cementing the future of the State of Pennsylvania for the next several years. And what a future it will be! What am I talking about? The GOP candidate for governor is Lynn Swann, former Pittsburgh Steeler. With absolutely no political experience of any kind. None. Never did anything but play football and talk about football (sportscaster). And he will win. Why? Because the Steelers won the Superbowl. And since Pennsylvania is made up of Philadelphia to the east, Pittsburgh to the west, and Alabama in between, every moron that rooted for the Steelers will vote for Swann. Awesome. And everybody knows it too. The front page of the paper today? "One term Ed", referring to Ed Rendell, our current governor, who might as well just save everybody and himself a whole lot of money and vacate the governor's manse right now. Unbelievable. We'll get a former football star puppet of the GOP to run the state.


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