Its beginning to look a lot like.......

I know its a little more than 24 days away, but thats as far as the Santa counter goes. I have a little decorating done. But have lots more to do. I still have to do outdoor swags for the windows, but that will have to wait until Saturday. Tough to do that stuff in the dark.

The big Christmas tree will have to go somewhere else this year. I haven't heard from the carpet people yet about the installation date, so I'm thinking its not going to happen by the 9th. Which is OKAY. (Note my new, relaxed tone.) There is nothing wrong with having the main tree in a different place for one year. NOT A BIG DEAL, I say. We do however, have to put all the stereo equipment back in the armoire in order for me to play my adorable 40s-50s-60s Christmas CDs. And that really shouldn't happen until the carpet is put in because it is a major pain in the butt to put it all together and take it all apart again. So hurry please carpet people! I can't have a party without my super soudtrack! It just won't be the same.
I know this isn't very simple. Its kinda materialistic. Christmas is about Jesus, and sharing, and getting together with family and friends (I have a manger scene, I just haven't unpacked it yet). Which we do. But I can't help it. I just love decorating for Christmas. LOVE IT. If I see Christmas stuff in an antique store, better get out of the way. I could sit for hours going through boxs of old ornaments and decorations. I don't pay a lot for things. But I pay for a lot of things. Its fun to completely turn the house over and put a little holiday cheer in each and every room. And the yard. And the mailbox. And my office at work.
I may be a little aggressive though. I have found myself driving slowly past a house nearby where an elderly couple live. They have the best collection of outdoor plastic santas from 50s and 60s I have ever seen. There are about 20 of them. I'm not sure what I'd do with them, but I want them. I actually am contemplating stopping by and giving them my phone number. Just in case they are about to move into a retirement home that doesnt' allow plastic santas and they'd like to sell. To someone that really GETS plastic santas.
Anyway, how far are you in your holiday decorating? Show me your plastic santas people!